
제2회 국제우주항공기술대전
  • Participation Guide
  • Participation Information
  • Participation Guide

    Participation Information

    Participation Procedure

    • Participation Application
    • Deposit Payment
    • Balance Payment
    • Opening of
      AEROTEC 2024

    Participation Fee

    (Unit:$, VAT Excluded)
    Category (per booth) Independent Booth Shell Scheme Booth Premium Booth
    Early Application
    (Until 31.July.2024)
    $2,000 $2,500 $3,000
    General Application
    (From 1.August.2024)
    $2,500 $3,000 $3,500
    • Independent Booth
      Booths where exhibitors receive only the exhibition space from the organizer and are responsible for selecting a designated service company to independently install and decorate their exhibition structures.
      - The minimum application for an independent booth is two booths.
      - The height of any structures must not exceed 5 meters from the exhibition hall floor.
      - Exhibitors with independent booths must submit construction drawings for approval by the organizer before proceeding with the installation.
      - Electricity must be applied for if lighting is to be installed.
    • Shell Scheme Booth
      A booth provided by the organizer with prefabricated structures, constructed en masse to facilitate convenience for the exhibitors.
      - Basic equipment provided includes
      Company signboard, spotlight, outlet, information desk, chairs, Pytex, electricity single phase 220V-1kw
    • Premium Booth
      A booth where the organizer provides and constructs high-quality structures en masse for the convenience of participating companies.
      - The minimum application for a premium booth is two booths.
      - Basic equipment provided includes
      Company signboard, spotlight, outlet, information desk, chairs, Pytex, electricity single phase 220V-1kw

    Auxiliary Facilities (Installation and Usage Fees)

    (Unit:$, VAT Excluded)
    Items Unit Price
    Electricity Single Phase 220V $60 per kw
    Three Phase 220V
    Three Phase 380V
    24 Hours $80 per kw
    Compressed Air 9⌀(9mm) $200
    15⌀(15mm) $300
    20⌀(20mm) $400
    Customer Management System $200 per unit
    Water Supply and Drainage $200 per location
    Telephone $80 per unit (domestic)
    $200 per unit (Overseas)
    Dedicated Internet Line $150 per port

    Payment Schedule for Participation Fee

    Category Amount Payment Method
    Deposit 50% of the total participation fee Pay within 3 days after application
    Balance 50% of the total participation fee Pay by August 30, 2024 (Fri)

    Online Payment

    Bank Account Number Account Holder
    Woori Bank 485-007518-13-053 Korea Economic Daily